Tailored to guarantee an impeccable match for both your windows and your family’s contingency exit strategy.
Security-S-Cape – Lock out danger without being locked in-
Ensuring your home’s safety shouldn’t confine you and your family indoors. During emergencies, quick exits are crucial.
Our exclusive Safe-S-Cape security system merges NOGO Security’s renowned strength with a simple escape mechanism activated with the push of a button. Featuring a distinctive single-action release system spanning the window’s length, it’s easy for anyone in your household to operate. Plus, with Safe-S-Cape Security Screens, you can unlock them from the inside with the push of a button, no key needed. For the most effortless exit possible, choose between our outswing options or inquire about our Ultimate inswing windows
NOGO’s unique Inswing Safe-S-Cape® security and storm windows are crafted to be installed on the inside of buildings and swing inward. They feature a keyless lock system that releases with a simple turn and pull of the release handle, without compromising security.
This allows for quick exit in case of a fire or other emergency. When closed, NOGO’s Inswing Safe-S-Cape® window is secured with a triple “anti-jimmy” locking system that cannot be effectively pried open, kicked down, or cut, ensuring your home remains safe and secure.
NOGO Safe-S-Cape® windows improve your lifestyle and safety. They enable you to keep your regular windows open to cool your home in the summer and enjoy fresh air year-round without compromising safety or security. NOGO’s special mesh reduces solar heat gain by 53%, while maintaining clear visibility from your home. Additionally, NOGO windows serve as fly screens, allowing airflow while keeping bugs and other intruders out.
Unlike traditional security grills or barred windows, NOGO windows have a stylish appearance that complements any decor. They are highly resistant to break-ins, ensuring your home stays safe and secure. NOGO’s Safe-S-Cape® windows enhance the aesthetics of your home while providing year-round safety and peace of mind for your family.
Picture a realm devoid of forced entry offenses. Nowadays, we possess the capability to eradicate substantial weaknesses in our architectural structures and revolutionize our perception of glass.
Every individual merits the assurance of waking up to a sense of safety and tranquility. Collaboratively, we can safeguard our societies, achieving equilibrium among resilience, dependability, and visual appeal.